About Us
We are a group of people who confesses the name of Jesus-Christ and desires to glorify Him through every activity that we daily undertake. We serve the body of Christ.
Toda, which means “thank you” in Hebrew, is characterized by four distinct pillars: prayer, fellowship, reconciliation with God’s creation and art. They are the four directions of our ministry that we choose to look at as mutually dependant: our activities feed one another and function in solidarity.
Though our heart is the making of a community of people established on the geographical location of our ministry, we open our doors to anyone that shares our vision and desires to contribute to our activities, our prayer watches in particular.
We are working to establish a place of perpetual worship for the God of Jesus-Christ and to the coming of His Kingdom in the Pied-du-Jura region.
Our mission is to shape a group of people serving God in intercession and mankind through a renewed expression of fellowship daily experienced.
At the heart of our reason for being is found the desire to glorify God, revealed in Jesus-Christ and to love those to whom He gave his life. Those two directions are achieved first in times worship and intercession that may take various shapes. We call them prayer watches. Every one of them seeks to align our will to the will of God and expresses the longing to see it practically manifested on earth. We also want to share experiences of communion such as community meals, art projects, the upkeep of the community garden, etc…
Goals :
1. House of prayer: develop intercession and worship watches.
2. Culture of honour: stimulate the expression of people’s gifts by exercising hospitality and encouragement.
3. Farming: take care of God’s creation (garden, permaculture).
4. Arts: Promote creativity in our lifestyle.
Farmer and school teacher by training, Pierre and Anne-France carry the vision of Toda since its beginnings. A board of five persons oversee management of the Association created in February 2017.

Statement of Faith
The leadership of Toda is part of the Christian evangelical branch of Christianity, though it is not necessary to be evangelical to join our activities. We adopt the statement of faith of the Federation of Evangelical Churches in Romandie (FREE) in the process of decision making and in the theological affirmation of our convictions.
Legal status
Toda is an association in the sense of article 60 of the Swiss Civil Code, which activities are regulated by the following status (in French).
Art. 60
A. Constitution
I. Organisation corporative
1 Les associations politiques, religieuses, scientifiques, artistiques, de bienfaisance, de récréation ou autres qui n’ont pas un but économique acquièrent la personnalité dès qu’elles expriment dans leurs statuts la volonté d’être organisées corporativement.
2 Les statuts sont rédigés par écrit et contiennent les dispositions nécessaires sur le but, les ressources et l’organisation de l’association.